Downloading Images from URLs in Ruby

May 5, 2024 ยท 6 min read


Hello, Rubyists! ๐Ÿ’Ž

Today, we'll embark on a delightful journey into the world of image downloading using Ruby.

Downloading images from URLs is a common task in many Ruby applications, whether it's for image processing, web scraping, or building media-rich applications.

Ruby provides several elegant and powerful libraries to make image downloading a breeze.

In this article, we'll explore five different methods to download images from URLs, complete with code examples.

By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of how to download images efficiently using Ruby. ๐Ÿ’ช


Before we dive in, make sure you have the following:

  • Ruby programming language installed on your system.
  • Familiarity with Ruby's package manager, RubyGems.
  • Basic knowledge of Ruby programming.
  • Now, let's explore the five ways to download images from URLs using Ruby! ๐Ÿš€

    Method 1: Using OpenURI

    OpenURI is a built-in Ruby module that provides a convenient way to open and read data from URLs.

    It allows you to easily download images from URLs with minimal code.

    Here's an example:

    require 'open-uri'
    url = '<>'
    filename = 'downloaded_image.jpg', 'wb') do |file|
      file << open(url).read
    puts "Image downloaded successfully: #{filename}"

    In this example:

    1. We require the open-uri module to enable URL opening functionality.
    2. We specify the URL of the image we want to download.
    3. We provide a filename to save the downloaded image.
    4. We open the file in binary write mode using
    5. We use open(url).read to read the image data from the URL and append it to the file.

    OpenURI makes it incredibly simple to download images from URLs with just a few lines of code.

    Method 2: Using Net::HTTP

    Net::HTTP is a built-in Ruby library for making HTTP requests.

    It provides a low-level interface for interacting with web servers and downloading files.

    Here's an example of downloading an image using Net::HTTP:

    require 'net/http'
    url = '<>'
    filename = 'downloaded_image.jpg'
    uri = URI(url)
    Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port, use_ssl: uri.scheme == 'https') do |http|
      response = http.get(uri.path), 'wb') do |file|
    puts "Image downloaded successfully: #{filename}"

    In this example:

    1. We require the net/http library to enable HTTP functionality.
    2. We specify the URL of the image we want to download.
    3. We provide a filename to save the downloaded image.
    4. We create a URI object from the URL to extract host, port, and path information.
    5. We use Net::HTTP.start to establish a connection to the server.
    6. We send a GET request to the server using http.get(uri.path) to retrieve the image data.
    7. We open the file in binary write mode using
    8. We write the response body (image data) to the file.

    Net::HTTP provides low-level control over the HTTP request and response handling, allowing for more advanced scenarios.

    Method 3: Using HTTParty

    HTTParty is a popular Ruby gem that simplifies making HTTP requests and handling responses.

    It provides a high-level and expressive API for interacting with web services.

    Here's an example of downloading an image using HTTParty:

    require 'httparty'
    url = '<>'
    filename = 'downloaded_image.jpg'
    response = HTTParty.get(url), 'wb') do |file|
    puts "Image downloaded successfully: #{filename}"

    In this example:

    1. We require the httparty gem to enable its functionality.
    2. We specify the URL of the image we want to download.
    3. We provide a filename to save the downloaded image.
    4. We use HTTParty.get(url) to send a GET request to the URL and retrieve the response.
    5. We open the file in binary write mode using
    6. We write the response body (image data) to the file.

    HTTParty simplifies the process of making HTTP requests and provides a clean and readable syntax.

    Method 4: Using Down

    Down is a Ruby gem that provides a simple and efficient way to download files from URLs.

    It offers a user-friendly API for downloading and saving files locally.

    Here's an example of downloading an image using Down:

    require 'down'
    url = '<>'
    filename = 'downloaded_image.jpg', destination: filename)
    puts "Image downloaded successfully: #{filename}"

    In this example:

    1. We require the down gem to enable its functionality.
    2. We specify the URL of the image we want to download.
    3. We provide a filename to save the downloaded image.
    4. We use, destination: filename) to download the image from the URL and save it to the specified file.

    Down provides a convenient and straightforward way to download images with minimal setup.

    Method 5: Using Faraday

    Faraday is a flexible HTTP client library for Ruby that provides a modular and extensible architecture.

    It allows you to build custom HTTP requests and handle responses efficiently.

    Here's an example of downloading an image using Faraday:

    require 'faraday'
    url = '<>'
    filename = 'downloaded_image.jpg'
    response = Faraday.get(url), 'wb') do |file|
    puts "Image downloaded successfully: #{filename}"

    In this example:

    1. We require the faraday gem to enable its functionality.
    2. We specify the URL of the image we want to download.
    3. We provide a filename to save the downloaded image.
    4. We use Faraday.get(url) to send a GET request to the URL and retrieve the response.
    5. We open the file in binary write mode using
    6. We write the response body (image data) to the file.

    Faraday provides a flexible and customizable way to make HTTP requests and handle responses, allowing for advanced configurations and middleware.

    Choosing the Right Method

    With several options available for downloading images in Ruby, you might be wondering which method to choose.

    Consider the following guidelines:

  • If simplicity is your top priority and you don't need advanced features, OpenURI is a great choice.
  • For low-level control and flexibility, Net::HTTP provides a solid foundation.
  • If you prefer a high-level and expressive API, HTTParty is a popular and well-documented option.
  • When you need a simple and efficient way to download files, Down is a great fit.
  • For a flexible and modular HTTP client library, Faraday offers extensive customization options.
  • Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific requirements, project complexity, and personal preference.


    You now have a comprehensive understanding of various ways to download images from URLs using Ruby.

    Whether you prefer the simplicity of OpenURI, the low-level control of Net::HTTP, the expressiveness of HTTParty, the efficiency of Down, or the flexibility of Faraday, Ruby provides you with powerful tools to download images efficiently.

    Remember to handle errors gracefully, validate the downloaded images, and consider factors like performance, security, and maintainability when choosing a method.

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