Fixing "Import aiohttp Could Not Be Resolved" Errors in Python

Mar 3, 2024 ยท 2 min read

When working with Python and trying to import the aiohttp module, you may run into an error like:

ImportError: cannot import name 'aiohttp' from 'aiohttp'

Or a vague message like:

ImportError: No module named aiohttp

This error means Python was unable to locate the aiohttp module during the import process. There are a few common reasons why this can happen:

The module is not installed

Before you can import aiohttp, you need to install it via pip. Open your command prompt/terminal and run:

pip install aiohttp

This will download and install the latest version of aiohttp.

Virtual environments

If you are working in a virtual environment, you will need to install aiohttp inside that environment. Activate the venv and rerun the pip install command.

Incorrect capitalization

Python module names are case sensitive. Double check you are importing aiohttp with the correct lowercase spelling.

Conflicts with other modules

If you have another module named aiohttp already installed, it could cause conflicts. Try uninstalling other modules with the same name and reinstall a fresh version of aiohttp.


Check if your PYTHONPATH environment variable is set correctly to include the aiohttp package directory. You may need to update it to resolve the imports.


Of course, any simple typos in the import statement like iophttp or aihttp could also be the culprit.

Double checking the exact error text and verifying you can import aiohttp from a fresh Python shell can help troubleshoot further. Pay close attention to the capitalization, spelling, environments, and global module state to resolve the problem.

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