Scraping Hacker News with Objective-C

Jan 21, 2024 · 8 min read

Web scraping can be an intimidating topic for beginners, but it doesn't have to be! In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk through how to scrape article data from Hacker News using Objective-C and XML parsing.

Whether you're just getting started with web scraping or are new to Objective-C, I'll break things down step-by-step to help you better understand how everything works. By the end, you'll have the knowledge to start scraping Hacker News as well as the confidence to apply these learnings to your own web scraping projects.

This is the page we are talking about…

Let's get started!

Installation & Setup

Before we dive into the code, let's quickly get set up with the Apple frameworks we'll need for this scraping script:

Foundation Framework

The Foundation framework provides core data types we'll rely on like NSURL, NSURLRequest, NSData, etc. This comes included with Xcode so no separate installation needed.

XML Parsing

We'll use XML parsing libraries to process the HTML content returned by the Hacker News website. Xcode comes with a built-in XML parser we can initialize like so:

NSXMLDocument *document = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:responseData options:NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind error:&error];

And that's it for setup! Just import Foundation and we're ready to start scraping.

Scraping Code Walkthrough

With the basics covered, let's dive into the code...

Define URL and Create Request

First we construct the URL pointing to the Hacker News homepage we want to scrape:

NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"<>"];

Next we create the actual NSURLRequest that will be used to retrieve and download the webpage content:

NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];

This defines the destination URL. The request will return an HTML document.

Send Request and Receive Response

To send the request and download the Hacker News HTML content, we use:

NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:nil];

This kicks off the request and saves the returned data into the responseData variable.

We also do some quick validation to make sure the request succeeded and data was returned:

if ([responseData length] > 0) {
  // Data retrieved successfully!
} else {
  // Request failed

So far, so good! We've requested and downloaded the raw HTML data from the Hacker News site. Now the real work begins...

Parsing the HTML Content

With the HTML stored in responseData, we can start processing and extracting the data we want.

Hacker News uses table rows to display articles, so we'll relied on XML parsing to loop through the rows and identify article data.

Initialize XML Parser

Let's initialize a parser which we can use to traverse and evaluate the HTML content:

NSXMLDocument *document = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:responseData options:NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind error:&error];

Specifying NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind configures the parser for HTML documents.

Find Table Rows with XPath

Inspecting the page

You can notice that the items are housed inside a tag with the class athing

With a configured parser, we can now start extracting data!

Hacker News displays articles in table rows, so we grab those elements by using an XPath query:

NSArray *rows = [document nodesForXPath:@"//tr" error:nil];

This gives us all nodes to iterate through.

XPath is a powerful querying language that allows us to extract elements by attributes, position, nesting and more. I'll cover some common techniques below.

Loop Through Rows to Identify Articles

With all table rows selected, we loop through them to identify the ones containing article content:

for (NSXMLElement *row in rows) {

  // Check if row marks an article
  if ([[row attributeForName:@"class"] isEqualToString:@"athing"]) {

    // This row represents an article



Leveraging the class attribute, we can pick out article rows specifically.

From there, we can pair the article row with the next row (containing metadata like votes, date, etc) to extract a complete article record.

Extract Article Data

Now that we can identify article rows, let's look at how data is actually extracted.

Say we have an article row stored in currentArticle and corresponding detail row saved in row. Here's how we would grab some common fields:


NSXMLElement *titleElem = [[currentArticle nodesForXPath:@"//span[@class='titleline']/a" error:nil] firstObject];

NSString *articleTitle = [titleElem stringValue];

The title is nested in an tag so we:

  1. Use XPath to find
  2. Get the first matching node
  3. Extract inner text as string value


The article URL is stored in the href attribute of that same element, so we pull it directly.


Here we:

  1. Find the in the row
  2. Then drill down to the nested
  3. Extract the score's inner text

And so on for other fields like author, comments, etc!

As you can see, XPath queries paired with stringValue and attribute access allow us to systematically extract data from the parsed HTML.

I won't walk through every single field, but hopefully this gives you a framework for how scraping can be approached!

Putting It All Together

Let's take one more high-level view of how everything connects before we conclude:

  1. Craft request - Define URL and create NSURLRequest
  2. Send request - Dispatch request and receive raw HTML response
  3. Initialize XML parser - Convert response into structured NSXMLDocument
  4. Use XPath queries - Traverse HTML nodes and extract data into native objects like NSString
  5. Transform data - Clean and structure content as needed

And at the end you have programmatic access to scrape and manipulate web content!

While it may seem daunting at first, by breaking things into smaller steps, web scraping become much more approachable.

Full Code Sample

For easy reference, here is the full scraping script covered in this guide:

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
    @autoreleasepool {
        // Define the URL of the Hacker News homepage
        NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];
        // Create a URL request
        NSURLRequest *request = [NSURLRequest requestWithURL:url];
        // Send the request and receive the response
        NSData *responseData = [NSURLConnection sendSynchronousRequest:request returningResponse:nil error:nil];
        // Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
        if ([responseData length] > 0) {
            // Parse the HTML content using NSXMLDocument
            NSError *error = nil;
            NSXMLDocument *document = [[NSXMLDocument alloc] initWithData:responseData options:NSXMLDocumentHTMLKind error:&error];
            if (document) {
                // Find all rows in the table
                NSArray *rows = [document nodesForXPath:@"//tr" error:nil];
                // Initialize variables to keep track of the current article and row type
                NSXMLElement *currentArticle = nil;
                NSString *currentRowType = nil;
                // Iterate through the rows to scrape articles
                for (NSXMLElement *row in rows) {
                    // Check if this is an article row
                    if ([[row attributeForName:@"class"] stringValue] && [[[row attributeForName:@"class"] stringValue] isEqualToString:@"athing"]) {
                        currentArticle = row;
                        currentRowType = @"article";
                    } else if ([currentRowType isEqualToString:@"article"]) {
                        // This is the details row
                        if (currentArticle) {
                            // Extract information from the current article and details row
                            NSXMLElement *titleElem = [[currentArticle nodesForXPath:@"//span[@class='titleline']/a" error:nil] firstObject];
                            NSString *articleTitle = [titleElem stringValue];
                            NSString *articleURL = [[titleElem attributeForName:@"href"] stringValue];
                            NSXMLElement *subtext = [[row nodesForXPath:@"//td[@class='subtext']" error:nil] firstObject];
                            NSString *points = [[[subtext nodesForXPath:@"//span[@class='score']" error:nil] firstObject] stringValue];
                            NSString *author = [[[subtext nodesForXPath:@"//a[@class='hnuser']" error:nil] firstObject] stringValue];
                            NSString *timestamp = [[[subtext nodesForXPath:@"//span[@class='age']/@title" error:nil] firstObject] stringValue];
                            NSXMLElement *commentsElem = [[subtext nodesForXPath:@"//a[contains(text(),'comments')]" error:nil] firstObject];
                            NSString *comments = [commentsElem stringValue] ?: @"0";
                            // Print the extracted information
                            NSLog(@"Title: %@", articleTitle);
                            NSLog(@"URL: %@", articleURL);
                            NSLog(@"Points: %@", points);
                            NSLog(@"Author: %@", author);
                            NSLog(@"Timestamp: %@", timestamp);
                            NSLog(@"Comments: %@", comments);
                        // Reset the current article and row type
                        currentArticle = nil;
                        currentRowType = nil;
            } else {
                NSLog(@"Failed to parse HTML document. Error: %@", [error localizedDescription]);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Failed to retrieve the page.");
    return 0;

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    <!doctype html>
        <title>Example Domain</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


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