Stories from the Web Crawling trenches in POST requests

Sending Text Data in a POST Request with Python Requests

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 3, 2024

Guide on how to send plain text data in POST requests using Python requests module and setting Content-Type header.

Sending POST Requests with Python's urllib

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 6, 2024

The urllib module in Python provides functionality for sending HTTP POST requests to web servers and handling responses.

Making HTTP POST Requests with Httpx in Python

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 5, 2024

Httpx library in Python provides a modern and intuitive HTTP client for making POST requests to APIs and web services. It handles request headers, form data, timeouts, retries, and more.

Using httpx's AsyncClient for Asynchronous HTTP POST Requests

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 5, 2024

The httpx library in Python provides an AsyncClient class that makes it easy to send asynchronous HTTP requests without having to deal with some of the complexity of asyncio directly.

Passing Parameters in URLs with Python's urllib

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 8, 2024

Construct URL requests in Python using urllib module to pass parameters and handle encoding. GET requests use parameters in the URL, while POST requests use the request body.

Sending POST Data with HTTPX in Python

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 5, 2024

HTTPX is a popular Python library for making HTTP requests. This guide explains how to properly structure and send POST data with HTTPX.

Sending Numerical Data in a Python Requests POST

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 3, 2024

Requests library in Python handles POST requests seamlessly, allowing you to send numerical data like integers and floats as JSON without any special handling or conversions.

Is Urllib built in Python?

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 20, 2024

Python's urllib module provides the building blocks for fetching data and interacting with APIs over HTTP.

Sending POST Requests in Python: request() vs post()

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 3, 2024

When sending POST requests in Python, you'll commonly use the requests library. The post() method is a convenience method in requests specifically for sending POST requests. Using the right method for the job leads to simpler and easy to maintain code.

Python Requests Library: Making Authenticated POST Requests

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Feb 3, 2024

The Python Requests library provides a simple way to make HTTP requests in Python, including POST requests with Basic HTTP Authentication for authenticated API requests.

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