The Complete Guide to JavaScript Scraping with Python: Tips, Tricks, and Gotchas

Nov 17, 2023 · 6 min read

Scraping JavaScript-heavy sites in Python can be tricky. Between dealing with dynamic content, endless pagination, and sneaky bot protections - it often feels like an uphill battle. But with the right tools and techniques, you can conquer even the most complex JS pages.

In this comprehensive guide, I'll share everything I've learned after years of wrestling with stubborn sites. You'll walk away with battle-tested code snippets, insider knowledge on bypassing tricky bot protections, and an intuitive understanding of how to handle async JS rendering.

So buckle up for a deep dive into the world of JavaScript scraping with Python!

The Curse of Client-Side Rendering

In the early days of the web, pages were simple affairs rendered entirely by servers. Want to grab some data? Send a request and parse the HTML. Easy peasy.

But then along came AJAX, front-end frameworks like React and Vue.js, and interactive pages driven by complex JavaScript. Now much of the content is rendered client-side after the initial HTML loads.

This is a nightmare for scrapers! Suddenly our nicely requested HTML represents an empty shell of a page. All the good stuff is hidden behind JavaScript running in browsers.

Some clues this is happening:

  • Blank or "loading" pages on initial request
  • Content popping in after a delay
  • URLs not changing despite new data
  • So what do we do? We need browsers!

    Browser Automation with Selenium

    The most robust way to scrape JavaScript is to control a real browser with Selenium.

    Before we start scraping, we need to install the key Python libraries:

    pip install selenium

    Just add this code to load up an instance:

    from selenium import webdriver
    driver = webdriver.Chrome()

    Now you can find elements and extract data like usual:

    links = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name("a")
    for link in links:

    The main downside is that Selenium is slooow. Browsers are resource-hungry beasts. Performance degrades rapidly when scraping at scale.

    We'll cover some optimization techniques later. But first, let's look at a lighter-weight option.

    Rendering JavaScript with Requests-HTML

    Requests-HTML is a handy library that can execute JavaScript without a full browser.

    First install it…

    pip install requests-html

    Just call .render() after getting the page:

    from requests_html import HTMLSession
    session = HTMLSession()
    r = session.get("<>")

    Now the HTML will contain any dynamically rendered content!

    Under the hood, Requests-HTML uses Pyppeteer to run an instance of headless Chrome. So it's much faster than Selenium since we skip the overhead of a visible browser.

    Let's look at some examples:

    Waiting for Pages to Load

    Sometimes you need to wait for content to load before scraping:

    r.html.render(wait=5, sleep=2)

    This waits 5 seconds for the initial load, then sleeps for 2 seconds to let JavaScript finish up. Play with the timers until you snag all the data!

    Executing Custom JavaScript

    To extract data locked up in JavaScript, just run some custom code:

    data = r.html.render(script="return document.title")

    Any variables or data structures returned will be accessible in Python.

    Crawling Paginated Content

    For looping through pages of content, we can do:

    for page in r.html:
        print("NEXT PAGE")

    It will automatically click "Next" buttons and cycle through pages.

    Optimization and Scaling

    Once you've built an initial scraper with Requests-HTML or Selenium, it's time to optimize performance. Here are some pro tips:

  • Run browsers headlessly - Skip rendering the UI for faster performance
  • Limit resources - Lower the memory and CPU available to browsers so they don't hog resources
  • Use a scraper farm - Distribute scraping over many servers and aggregate results
  • Crawl asynchronously - Start requests in parallel instead of sequentially
  • Cache requests - Save page HTML to avoid duplicate requests
  • Use a queue - Process pages from a queue in multiple threads/processes
  • Monitor for failures - Track failures and retry with exponential backoff
  • Containerize scrapers - Use Docker/Kubernetes for easy scaling and deployment
  • Mastering these techniques takes time but pays dividends when scraping at scale.

    Bypassing Bot Protections

    An entirely separate skill is avoiding bot protections. Some tips:

  • Rotate user agents - Mimic different browsers with each request
  • Use proxies - Distribute requests across many IPs
  • Handle Captchas - Use a service to solve captchas automatically
  • Check for anomalies - Detect scrapers by tracking mouse movements etc.
  • Monitor headers - Watch for unusual cookies or tokens
  • Slow down - Crawling too quickly can be suspicious
  • This cat and mouse game never ends as sites deploy new protections. But with enough tricks up your sleeve, you can scrape most pages undetected.

    When to Avoid JavaScript Scraping

    Despite our crafty techniques, some pages just aren't meant to be scraped.

    Steer clear if sites:

  • Have no API or require complex browser interactions
  • Are behind rigorous bot detection systems
  • Have restrictive robots.txt rules or legal scrapers policies
  • Offer data feeds or other official sources
  • It's better to look for alternatives than waste time fighting an uphill battle.

    Some options:

  • Use the site's data feeds - Many sites provide structured data you can access
  • Check for APIs - Look for undocumented or public APIs
  • Scrape an easier version - Try the mobile site or an older UI
  • Find data republished elsewhere - Someone may already be aggregating the data
  • Knowing when to fold 'em is an important skill!

    Final Thoughts

    And that wraps up our epic quest for JavaScript scraping mastery!

    We covered everything from picking the right tools to optimization, scalability, and sneaky anti-bot tricks.

    Scraping complex sites is challenging, but extremely rewarding when you pull out hidden data through sheer persistence.

    The examples here should provide a solid blueprint. But don't be afraid to experiment and you'll be extracting JavaScript data with the best of them in no time!

    Happy scraping!


    How do I handle pages that require logging in?

    For pages behind a login wall, use Selenium to automate entering credentials and clicking buttons. Save logins in a config file - don't hardcode crdentials!

    What Python libraries allow running JavaScript?

    Requests-HTML, Selenium, Playwright, and Pyppeteer can all execute JavaScript in pages. For simple scraping, Requests-HTML is a good starting point.

    How can I speed up Selenium browsers?

    Tips for faster Selenium scraping include:

  • Use headless browser modes
  • Limit CPU and memory
  • Disable images/CSS/fonts
  • Parallelize across threads/processes
  • Cache page HTML where possible
  • What's the difference between client-side and server-side rendering?

    Server-side rendering processes pages on the backend before sending HTML to the client. Client-side rendering uses JavaScript running in the browser to render content after loading an initial framework.

    Is it legal to scrape websites without permission?

    The legality of web scraping depends on many factors, like terms of use and type of data. In general it's best to scrape ethically and not overload sites without permission.

    Browse by tags:

    Browse by language:

    The easiest way to do Web Scraping

    Get HTML from any page with a simple API call. We handle proxy rotation, browser identities, automatic retries, CAPTCHAs, JavaScript rendering, etc automatically for you

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    curl ""

    <!doctype html>
        <title>Example Domain</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


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