How to fix TooManyRedirects error in Python requests

Oct 22, 2023 ยท 5 min read

Understanding TooManyRedirects Error

The TooManyRedirects error in Python requests occurs when the request exceeds the default limit of 30 redirects. This often happens when a website or server is incorrectly configured and causes an infinite redirect loop.

What is TooManyRedirects Error?

The TooManyRedirects exception is raised by the requests module when the number of consecutive HTTP redirects exceeds 30. For example:

import requests

url = "<>"

response = requests.get(url)
# Traceback:
# requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects

This default redirect limit prevents infinite looping which can hang applications. The requests module handles redirects automatically for convenience, but this can cause problems in some cases.

Common Causes of TooManyRedirects

There are a few common causes of TooManyRedirects errors:

Infinite Redirect Loops

The most common cause is an infinite loop of redirects at the website, often due to a misconfiguration. The website redirects to another URL, which redirects back to the original, causing an endless loop.

Exceeding Default Redirect Limit

Even without an infinite loop, a website may legitimately require more than 30 redirects to reach a final page. In this case, the default limit is still exceeded.

Improper Website Configuration

Another cause can be improper server configuration, such as incorrect SSL certificate or caching rules like .htaccess redirecting improperly.

Fixing TooManyRedirects in Requests Module

The requests module provides some options to handle redirects manually and avoid TooManyRedirects errors.

Modifying Redirect Behavior

You can configure requests to handle redirects differently:

import requests

# Handle redirects manually
response = requests.get(url, allow_redirects=False)

# Increase max redirects (default is 30)
requests.session().max_redirects = 100

Increasing Max Redirects

By default, requests will follow up to 30 redirects before raising the error. You can increase this limit using the max_redirects session setting.

Disabling Redirects with allow_redirects=False

You can disable automatic handling of redirects by setting allow_redirects=False. This will stop after the first redirect and return the 3xx response, allowing you to handle it manually.

Logging and Printing Redirect History

You can log and inspect the sequence of redirects leading to the error using the response.history list:


This helps identify any redirect loops or chains of redirects.

Implementing Custom Redirect Handling

For more control, you can write custom logic to handle redirects:

while response.is_redirect:
   url = response.headers['Location']
   # Custom redirect logic
   response = requests.get(url)

This allows checking redirect status codes, verifying URLs, capping redirects, and more.

Checking Redirect Status Codes

You can check the status code to identify the type of redirect:

if response.status_code == 301:
  # Permanent redirect
elif response.status_code == 303:
  # See Other redirect

Verifying Redirect URLs

It's good practice to verify that redirect URLs match your expectations or domain before following.

Following Redirects Manually

You can choose which redirects to follow manually rather than automatically with allow_redirects=False.

Fixing Underlying Website Issues

If you control the website seeing TooManyRedirects, there may be an underlying issue to fix.

Confirming No Infinite Redirect Loop

Test in incognito mode and check for loops in caching or cookies by clearing them. Debug redirect mappings on the server.

Verifying Server Configuration

Check for issues in SSL certificates, .htaccess rules, Nginx configs, and application code causing bad redirects.

Debugging WordPress Setups

For WordPress sites, confirm synchronized URL settings, disable problematic plugins, and clear server-side caching.

Best Practices for Handling Redirects

Using requests properly can avoid TooManyRedirects errors.

Robust Redirect Handling Logic

Always cap maximum redirects, log and inspect redirects carefully, and handle errors gracefully.

Using Sessions for Efficiency

Reuse sessions and connection pooling for efficiency. Handle cookies, credentials, and keep-alives.

Careful redirect handling will prevent TooManyRedirects errors. Implement request sessions properly with reusable connections and optional manual redirect handling. For sites you control, debug server configs and applications for any issues causing excessive redirects.

FAQ: Fixing TooManyRedirects Errors in Python Requests

What does Err_too_many_redirects mean in Python requests?

The TooManyRedirects error in the Python requests library indicates that it hit the default limit of 30 redirects while trying to access a URL. This prevents infinite redirect loops.

Why am I getting a TooManyRedirects error in Python requests?

This error occurs when the URL you are trying to access is redirecting more than 30 times, which is the default redirect limit in requests. Common causes are redirection chains and loops, authentication issues, or website configuration errors.

How do I fix a TooManyRedirects error in Python requests?

You can increase the redirect limit in the requests session using max_redirects to allow more redirects:

s = requests.Session()
s.max_redirects = 60

Alternatively, you can disable redirects entirely with allow_redirects=False.

What causes a TooManyRedirects error in Python requests?

The most common reasons are long chains of redirects, redirection loops, authentication issues causing redirects, and incorrect website configuration leading to endless redirects.

How many redirects cause a TooManyRedirects error in Python requests?

The default redirect limit in requests is 30. So if you hit 31 or more redirects to a URL, it will raise a TooManyRedirects exception.

How can I increase the redirect limit in Python requests to avoid TooManyRedirects errors?

Use the max_redirects parameter on requests Session objects to increase the limit:

s = requests.Session()
s.max_redirects = 100

How do I handle and recover from TooManyRedirects errors in Python requests?

Catch the error in a try/except block and handle it gracefully, optionally logging for analysis. You can retry with a higher redirect limit or by disabling redirects.

This provides a quick overview of how to troubleshoot and solve TooManyRedirects errors when working with the Python requests library. Let me know if you would like me to expand on any part of the explanations.

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