Scraping Yelp Business Listings Using Perl

Dec 6, 2023 · 7 min read

Web scraping is the process of extracting data from websites through automated scripts. It can be an extremely useful technique for gathering large volumes of public data available on the web. In this beginner tutorial, we'll walk through a full code sample for scraping business listings from Yelp.

This is the page we are talking about

Getting Set Up

First, let's look at the modules we import at the top of the script:

use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use URI::Escape;
  • LWP::UserAgent allows us to mimic a browser request by setting user agent strings and headers.
  • HTML::TreeBuilder parses HTML content so we can extract data through CSS selectors
  • URI::Escape encodes the Yelp URL properly for use in the API
  • We also utilize the ProxiesAPI service to route our requests through residential proxies, bypassing Yelp's bot detection mechanisms.

    Crafting the Request

    Next, we construct the URL and headers to query the Yelp search page:

    my $url = "<>";
    my $encoded_url = uri_escape($url, ":/?&=");
    my $api_url = "<$encoded_url>";
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36");

    The key steps are:

    1. Define the Yelp URL with our search parameters
    2. Encode it properly for use in the API call
    3. Construct the full API URL using our auth key
    4. Instantiate a UserAgent object
    5. Set a legit browser User-Agent string

    This will let us bypass bot protection when requesting the page contents.

    Sending the Request

    With our URL and headers configured, we can fire off the GET request:

    my $response = $ua->get($api_url);
    if ($response->is_success) {
      # Parse page content...
    } else {
       print "Failed to retrieve data. Status Code: " . $response->code . "\\n";

    We simply call $ua->get() and then check if it succeeded before moving on to data extraction.

    💡 Pro Tip: Using the ProxiesAPI service routes each request through different residential IP proxies. This makes it appear like real user traffic instead of bots!

    Parsing the Page with HTML::TreeBuilder

    Now we can parse the HTML content using the HTML::TreeBuilder module:

    my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($response->decoded_content);

    This gives us a DOM tree representation that we can traverse to find elements by their CSS selectors.

    💡 For beginners, CSS selectors allow you to pinpoint elements on a page through their id, class, tag name and more. It's the easiest way to locate the data you want from an HTML document.

    Extracting Listing Data through Selectors

    Here is where the real scraping magic happens!

    Inspecting the page

    When we inspect the page we can see that the div has classes called arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG css-1qn0b6x

    We use the parsed $tree and target selectors for key data points like name, rating, and price range:

    my @listings = $tree->look_down(_tag => 'div', class => qr/arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg|arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG|css-1qn0b6x/);
    foreach my $listing (@listings) {
      my $name_elem = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'a', class => qr/css-19v1rkv/);
      my $rating_elem = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/css-gutk1c/);
      my $price_range_elem = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/priceRange__09f24__mmOuH/);
      # And so on...
      print "Name: " . $name . "\\n";
      print "Rating: " . $rating . "\\n";

    The key things to understand:

  • We first grab all the
    elements that match classes used for Yelp listings
  • Then loop through each listing
  • Extract child elements like name, rating, etc by targeting their classes
  • Print out the data
  • This takes practice but is the most important scraping concept!

    Full code:

    use LWP::UserAgent;
    use HTML::TreeBuilder;
    use URI::Escape;
    # URL of the Yelp search page
    my $url = "";
    # URL-encode the URL
    my $encoded_url = uri_escape($url, ":/?&=");
    # API URL with the encoded Yelp URL
    my $api_url = "$encoded_url";
    # Define a user-agent header to simulate a browser request
    my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
    $ua->agent("Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/58.0.3029.110 Safari/537.36");
    $ua->default_header("Accept-Language" => "en-US,en;q=0.5");
    $ua->default_header("Accept-Encoding" => "gzip, deflate, br");
    $ua->default_header("Referer" => "");  # Simulate a referrer
    # Send an HTTP GET request to the URL with the headers
    my $response = $ua->get($api_url);
    # Check if the request was successful (status code 200)
    if ($response->is_success) {
        # Save the HTML content to a file
        open my $file, '>', "yelp_html.html" or die "Failed to open file: $!";
        print $file $response->decoded_content;
        close $file;
        # Parse the HTML content of the page using HTML::TreeBuilder
        my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($response->decoded_content);
        # Find all the listings
        my @listings = $tree->look_down(_tag => 'div', class => qr/arrange-unit__09f24__rqHTg|arrange-unit-fill__09f24__CUubG|css-1qn0b6x/);
        print scalar(@listings) . "\n";
        # Loop through each listing and extract information
        foreach my $listing (@listings) {
            # Assuming you've already extracted the information as shown in your code
            # Check if business name exists
            my $business_name_elem = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'a', class => qr/css-19v1rkv/);
            my $business_name = $business_name_elem ? $business_name_elem->as_text : "N/A";
            # If business name is not "N/A," then print the information
            if ($business_name ne "N/A") {
                # Check if rating exists
                my $rating_elem = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/css-gutk1c/);
                my $rating = $rating_elem ? $rating_elem->as_text : "N/A";
                # Check if price range exists
                my $price_range_elem = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/priceRange__09f24__mmOuH/);
                my $price_range = $price_range_elem ? $price_range_elem->as_text : "N/A";
                # Find all <span> elements inside the listing
                my @span_elements = $listing->look_down(_tag => 'span', class => qr/css-chan6m/);
                # Initialize num_reviews and location as "N/A"
                my $num_reviews = "N/A";
                my $location = "N/A";
                # Check if there are at least two <span> elements
                if (@span_elements >= 2) {
                    # The first <span> element is for Number of Reviews
                    $num_reviews = $span_elements[0]->as_text;
                    # The second <span> element is for Location
                    $location = $span_elements[1]->as_text;
                } elsif (@span_elements == 1) {
                    # If there's only one <span> element, check if it's for Number of Reviews or Location
                    my $text = $span_elements[0]->as_text;
                    if ($text =~ /^\d+$/) {
                        $num_reviews = $text;
                    } else {
                        $location = $text;
                # Print the extracted information
                print "Business Name: $business_name\n";
                print "Rating: $rating\n";
                print "Number of Reviews: $num_reviews\n";
                print "Price Range: $price_range\n";
                print "Location: $location\n";
                print "=" x 30 . "\n";
    } else {
        print "Failed to retrieve data. Status Code: " . $response->code . "\n";

    Final Thoughts

    And we've now walked through the full process of scraping Yelp from search to data extraction!

    Some final takeaways:

  • Use services like ProxiesAPI to avoid bot detection
  • Mimic real browsers with proper user agent strings
  • HTML::TreeBuilder parses content to traverse with selectors
  • Target elements by ID, class and other attributes
  • There's lots more to learn but this covers the basics of scraping Yelp listings. For next steps, try gathering data from additional pages or even aggregating results across other locations!

    Browse by tags:

    Browse by language:

    The easiest way to do Web Scraping

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    <!doctype html>
        <title>Example Domain</title>
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />


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