Stories from the Web Crawling trenches in multiple pages

Scraping Multiple Pages in Javascript with Cheerio

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Javascript using cheerio library to extract data from multiple pages. Fetch pages with request() and parse HTML using cheerio. Scrape and extract information at scale with Proxies API.

Scraping Multiple Pages in Java with JSoup

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Java using JSoup to extract data from multiple pages. Use base URL pattern, loop through pages, send request, parse HTML, and extract data using selectors.

Scraping Multiple Pages in PHP with Simple HTML DOM

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in PHP using Simple HTML DOM library to extract data from multiple pages. Proxies API can help with challenges like CAPTCHAs and IP blocks.

Scraping Multiple Pages in R with rvest and purrr

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in R using rvest and purrr packages to extract data from multiple pages. Use proxies for scraping at scale.

Scraping Multiple Pages in Kotlin with HTTP Client and kotlinx.html

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Kotlin using native HTTP client and kotlinx.html libraries to extract data from multiple pages. Use CSS selectors to scrape and extract information. Consider using Proxies API for scaling web scraping.

Scraping Multiple Pages in CSharp with HtmlAgilityPack

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in C# using HtmlAgilityPack to extract data from multiple pages. Use proxies for scaling up and avoiding IP blocks.

Scraping Multiple Pages in Go with net/http and goquery

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Go using net/http and goquery to extract data from multiple pages. Use a base URL pattern with %d placeholder and loop through pages to construct each page URL. Send request and parse HTML with goquery to find and extract data. Print or store scraped data.

Scraping Multiple Pages in Rust with reqwest and selectors

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Rust using reqwest and selectors crates to extract data from multiple pages. Use proxies for scaling up scraping.

Scraping Multiple Pages in Ruby with Nokogiri

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Ruby using Nokogiri to extract data from multiple pages. Use base URL pattern, loop through pages, parse HTML, and extract data.

Scraping Multiple Pages in Elixir with HTTPoison and Floki

Author: Mohan Ganesan

Date: Oct 15, 2023

Web scraping in Elixir using HTTPoison and Floki libraries to extract data from multiple pages. Use proxies for scraping at scale.

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